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An Inner knowing has been the guiding light to allow me to heal from chronic dis-ease. 

I support clients by empowering them to discover their deepest truth: integrate this truth to live from a place of embodied wisdom, wholeness and health.

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A LITTLE ABOUT ME  - Please see the Inspirations page for more information.

Like many folks I was raised within a family and cultural that was not big on “feeling your feelings”.


However this child had lots and did not know what to do with them. I had wanted to fit in like many and decided to pretend or at least try to hide them.


This worked so well that they remained somewhat hidden for decades until I could no longer cope with the rigours of life. I was “moving up the corporate ladder” within an organization that helps people with disability/crisis. I felt burdened by my ambitions and overstuffed schedule. I wanted to do it all! A cycle emerged of compulsively working and then burning out. Over time,I developed chronic pain and my anxiety became intolerable.This affected all areas of my life including my home life.

Inevitably, after reaching a crisis point.


My life became unmanageable and I was motivated to seek an alternate route to the path that I had been on. Willing to listen and follow the detour signs, I let go of my full-time job, and explored alternative and complementary care practices.


Many years of study in the practice of meditation and mantras led to insights and callings. A voracious reader I consumed esoteric knowledge in the hope I could become “better”. I trained with the Living in Process worldwide community, and re-entered academic study at the Institute for Traditional Medicine.


After graduation, the desire to learn more about how belief systems influence our well-being. I was led to gain this understanding through obtaining a certificate in BodyTalk. Through this process of integration: my mental, emotional and physical pain transformed. Consequently this led into a new, heart-centered approach and direction in life. By deeply listening to the wisdom, that we all carry I was able to heal and be-come whole.

Even though my studies, experience, and the innate ability to connect were important, this artful path is available to anyone who is open to it. I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to share this energetic medicine with you.


Please join me on this loving path of honouring your proccess!





I am Judy Keffer, Founder of BodIntuit. 


An Inner knowing has been the guiding light to allow me to heal from chronic dis-ease.

I support clients by empowering them to discover their deepest truth: integrate this truth to live from a place of embodied wisdom, wholeness and health.

©2022 by BodIntuit with Judy Keffer. Proudly created with

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